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为查明隐伏塌陷区域,分析重庆市中梁山地区岩溶塌陷的特征,发现塌陷主要发生在以岩溶裂隙发育为主的松散粉质黏土区域;地震映像法能方便、快速地查清土层的松散状态,而高密度电阻率法通过正演模拟发现只能探测出2~3倍电极距的异常范围,但能反映出岩溶裂隙发育的漏斗形态,即只要能找出岩溶裂隙的大致位置和浅表松散土层的范围就能圈定隐伏塌陷的区域。对中梁山地区某居民点进行野外勘测,综合以上两种方法圈定隐伏塌陷区域,其推断结果与钻探资料十分吻合,说明这种隐伏岩溶探测思路是可行的。   相似文献   
针对目前桥梁结构横向防落梁限位装置损毁后修复困难的问题,提出一种新型的带可更换耗能段的桥梁横向防落梁限位装置。分别以可更换耗能段的腹板厚度、腹板高度及安装位置等为参数,采用有限元软件ABAQUS建立了10个不同参数的装置模型并对其开展拟静力仿真试验,探讨其工作机理,验证其可更换的设计思想并剖析其破坏机理,研究各参数对装置滞回曲线、承载力、延性和耗能能力的影响规律。结果表明:该装置可通过先可更换耗能段破坏再竖板破坏达到多道设防和分级耗能的目的,且整个加载过程中装置的滞回曲线饱满、稳定、无明显捏拢,表现出良好的耗能能力;随着可更换耗能段腹板厚度的增加,装置屈服承载力、极限承载力、屈服位移、极限位移以及延性系数逐渐增大,耗能能力逐渐增强;可更换耗能段高度对装置屈服承载力影响不显著;随着可更换耗能段高度的增加,装置极限承载力逐渐增大,装置屈服位移先增大后减小,装置极限位移整体呈下降趋势,装置的延性系数和耗能能力逐渐减小;可更换耗能段的安装高度对装置屈服承载力和耗能能力的影响无统一规律,但与装置的屈服位移、极限位移及延性系数成负相关。基于本析结果,建议装置在满足承载力要求的前提下,应尽量选取可更换耗能段腹板厚度较厚、高度较小和安装位置较低的参数进行设计。  相似文献   
地震力作用下土质边坡动态稳定性研究对实际边坡工程有着重要的意义。采用拟动力法结合简化毕肖普法研究坡顶抗滑桩加固土质边坡在地震力作用下的动态稳定性。尽管拟静力法是目前处理地震力最为广泛的方法之一,但其局限性在于无法考虑地震力随时间变化且忽略了地震波在土体中的传播。而拟动力法采用正弦波模拟地震波在土中传播,并考虑地震波从坡脚传递到坡顶的相位差以及阻尼力对边坡稳定性的影响,通过边坡安全系数的变化揭示土质边坡在地震力作用下的稳定性变化规律。将得到的结果与拟静力法进行对比,突出了拟动力法的优势。最后,考虑水平地震加速度系数、加速度幅值放大系数以及土体内摩擦角对边坡稳定性的影响,以期对实际工程提供理论借鉴。  相似文献   
三峡库区龙门寨危岩体崩塌产生涌浪研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
长江两岸高耸的危岩体对航道、沿岸居民带来巨大安全隐患。大宁河属于长江一级支流,龙门寨危岩体位于大宁河上,距离巫山县城仅1 km。利用FLOW-3D软件,模拟了145 m、175 m两种水位工况下龙门寨危岩体崩塌产生涌浪过程和涌浪传播过程。模拟结果表明,涌浪在145 m水位工况下最大浪高约为17.9 m,175 m水位工况下最大浪高约为11.6 m;在巫山县的五个码头处,两种水位工况最大涌浪爬高分别约为10.9 m、3.8 m;根据涌浪高度,对大宁河进行危险分区,145 m水位工况下极高危险区长度约4.4 km,很高危险区长度约1.9 km;175 m水位工况下极高危险区长度约3.0 km,很高危险区长度约1.0 km。研究结果有助于防控龙门寨危岩体潜在涌浪灾害危害,保障大宁河航道和巫山县码头安全,同时也为三峡库区滑坡涌浪灾害提供了预警依据。   相似文献   
为了解白洋淀表层沉积物中有机氯农药(OCPs)和多氯联苯(PCBs)的污染情况,采用改进的GC-μECD方法对白洋淀11处沉积物进行了20种OCPs和全部209种PCB单体的定量检测和分析.结果显示:白洋淀11个沉积物样品共检出10种OCPs和24种PCBs,∑OCPs和∑PCBs的含量范围分别为1.22~52.45 ng/g(DW)和nd~37.61 ng/g,在国内处于中等水平; OCPs组成中以HCHs和Dieldrin(狄氏剂)为主,分别占到∑OCPs的39.9%和31.5%,其中7个采样点的HCHs以林丹输入为主,4个采样点以工业六六六污染为主.DDTs检出率较低,来源主要为历史残留;检出的PCB单体以低氯联苯为主,其中一氯、二氯和三氯联苯占∑PCBs的64.73%;采用沉积物质量标准法进行生态风险评估,结果表明白洋淀地区沉积物中p,p'-DDD和∑PCBs生态风险较低,Dieldrin生态风险尚需关注,γ-HCH生态风险较高,不容忽视.  相似文献   
文章通过钦州湾现场调查资料,分别利用单因子污染指数法和富营养化指数法对湾内水质的污染状况和富营养化水平进行评价,并分析讨论不同的富营养化水平条件下浮游植物叶绿素a的响应。结果显示,钦州湾的污染状况和富营养化程度从湾顶至湾外呈现由重至轻的梯度变化,并出现两个“极端区域”:茅尾海化学需氧量(COD)和营养盐的污染指数劣于三类海水水质标准并重度富营养化;外湾污染指数符合一类海水水质标准并贫营养化。分析表明,茅尾海的重度富营养化是由河流输入、相对封闭的地形以及过度的牡蛎养殖造成,而外湾的贫营养化则主要归因于较少的水产养殖和陆源污水排放以及大量的浮游植物对磷酸盐的消耗。叶绿素a在这两个区域均呈现低值,茅尾海内主要是由于贝类滤食大粒径浮游植物和真光层深度下降引起,而外湾则是氮磷比(N/P)失衡,浮游植物生长受磷限制导致。另外,核电站温排水有可能是导致叶绿素a较高的原因。减少茅尾海内的养殖规模,种植红树林,集中污水于外湾排放,加强温排水口的水质监控是保证钦州湾海洋生态环境可持续发展的手段。  相似文献   
The physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters of the water in Taladanda canal and associated water-borne diseases,from which the dwellers have suffered,were studied,by using statistical method. Overuse and the addition of the wastes with sources from urbane industrial sectors,as well as the decrease in water level have caused the canal water quality declined drastically and subsequently led to extensive eutrophication and bacterial contamination. According to the water sample analytical results,the water is lightly acidic with the pH value of 4.5~6.7. The measured indexes,such as total dissolved solid (TDS),electrical conductivity (EC),total suspended solid (TSS),Mn,Zn,Al,Fe,Cu,Cr,and Hg etc,mostly have very high concentrations which are higher than permissible limit,indicating that the canal water is completely unsuitable for human consumption. Furthermore,the biological analysis shows that the total coliform (TC) is in the range of 45.9~30.2 in per 100 mL water in April,30.5~25.3/100 mL in July and 52.9~35.4/100 mL in December,respectively. Similarly,fecal coliform (FC) ranges from 12.8 to 10.1,10.5~7.5 and 13.1~6.4 per 100 mL water in the months of April,July and December respectively. As a result,people who use the water have suffered from different water-borne diseases. On the basis of disease data derived from hospital observations in a period of three years,there had been 4 284 people affected by different water-borne diseases from 2016 to 2018.  相似文献   
基于四川盆地及周边的245个宽频带台站2010年9月—2014年9月期间的远震记录,提取双台路径瑞利面波相速度频散资料,反演得到四川盆地20~120s的高分辨率瑞利面波相速度及各向异性空间分布.在丰富区域地球物理基础数据的同时,结合已有研究成果对地壳上地幔变形耦合进行探讨,结果表明短周期(20~30s)的相速度分布与四川盆地的地质构造特征相吻合,作为川滇地块、松潘—甘孜地块和四川盆地之间的边界——龙门山断裂带和鲜水河断裂带对上述三个地块上地壳的速度结构具有明显的控制作用;松潘—甘孜地块,特别是川滇地块中下地壳普遍表现为明显的低速异常,表明中下地壳相对软弱;而四川盆地的中下地壳整体呈现相对高速,表明四川盆地具有相对坚硬的中下地壳.研究区域东南角接近北扬子地块与南扬子地块的缝合部位,呈现高速异常.四川盆地南部和东南邻区不同周期均具有较强的各向异性,且快波方向较为一致,反映这些地区不同深度变形耦合较好.四川盆地西部、北部及东北部邻区,不同周期的各向异性快波方向变化较大,不同深度变形耦合较差.这些特征与绕喜马拉雅东构造结的物质流动被扬子地块的高速地壳阻挡的宏观认识基本一致.  相似文献   
In this work, we tackle the challenge of quantitative estimation of reservoir dynamic property variations during a period of production, directly from four-dimensional seismic data in the amplitude domain. We employ a deep neural network to invert four-dimensional seismic amplitude maps to the simultaneous changes in pressure, water and gas saturations. The method is applied to a real field data case, where, as is common in such applications, the data measured at the wells are insufficient for properly training deep neural networks, thus, the network is trained on synthetic data. Training on synthetic data offers much freedom in designing a training dataset, therefore, it is important to understand the impact of the data distribution on the inversion results. To define the best way to construct a synthetic training dataset, we perform a study on four different approaches to populating the training set making remarks on data sizes, network generality and the impact of physics-based constraints. Using the results of a reservoir simulation model to populate our training datasets, we demonstrate the benefits of restricting training samples to fluid flow consistent combinations in the dynamic reservoir property domain. With this the network learns the physical correlations present in the training set, incorporating this information into the inference process, which allows it to make inferences on properties to which the seismic data are most uncertain. Additionally, we demonstrate the importance of applying regularization techniques such as adding noise to the synthetic data for training and show a possibility of estimating uncertainties in the inversion results by training multiple networks.  相似文献   
The disruption of a transportation network can have a high social and economic impact on the welfare of a society, as it can significantly affect the daily routines of a community. Although many studies have focused on the estimation of physical risk in the components that compose these networks, only a limited number have analyzed their interconnections and impact in the traffic flow. The present study analyzes how earthquake damage can disrupt the road network in an urban environment, and how this will influence the ability of the population to travel. Traffic due to daily commutes is modeled for different layouts of the network, corresponding to possible disruptions caused by earthquake damage. The duration and length of each trip were calculated both for the undamaged network conditions and for the disrupted network. The increase in the median duration and length of each trip allows estimating the economic loss for each event due to drivers' delay. By combining the probability of a specific road being blocked with its number of users, the average number of affected vehicles was estimated, and the most critical segments identified. The methodology was applied to a case study concerning the road network of the area around the Italian city of Messina in Sicily. The results were calculated for both a repetition of the well-known historical event of 1908 and a set of simulated earthquakes consistent with the national probabilistic seismic hazard model of Italy.  相似文献   
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